Friday, May 15, 2009

Our concert on coming August

Dear all parents,

The next student concert had confirmed the date and venue. Please reserve your valuable time to attend our concert again!

You will get my notice individual if your child is elected to perform on this concert. He/she needs writing the simple programme note about the piece to me later.

Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009
Time: 18:30-20:30 (17:30-18:30 Rehearsal)
Venue: Whampoa Parsons Music Recital Hall
(Shop B19-22, 1st Basement , Treasure World, Whampoa)
Ticket: $10 (Performer exception)

If you can help me as a photographer or make a video or else post during the concert, welcome and thank you to call or email to me in anytime. I will be grateful you in my heart!

Please visit our website and get more information about the concert!

Good week and take care in this flu period!


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