Sunday, May 08, 2011

12 th Intensive Music Course and Festival

The Fry­deryk Chopin Uni­ver­sity of Music in War­saw, Poland announces its 12th inten­sive music course and fes­ti­val From Chopin to Górecki — Sources and Inspi­ra­tions.

The Chopin — Górecki Music Fes­ti­val con­sists of pri­vate instruc­tion by acclaimed inter­na­tional artists, mas­ter classes, lec­tures, con­certs and excur­sions in Poland. Par­tic­i­pants will expe­ri­ence indi­vid­ual instruc­tion with world renown teach­ers.

Cur­rently in its twelfth year, the Chopin — Górecki Music Fes­ti­val has evoked the inter­est of seri­ous musi­cians world-wide who are excited by the unique oppor­tu­nity of expe­ri­enc­ing first-hand Chopin’s unfor­get­table homeland.

Par­tic­i­pants will be sur­rounded by the same inspi­ra­tion that cap­tured the hearts and souls of great Pol­ish com­posers from Chopin to Górecki. We will visit the birth­place and house of Fry­deryk Chopin and expe­ri­ence the rich, Pol­ish folk tradition.

P/s. Please click the below title and see the details.


The Alexander & Buono Festival of Music

The Alexander & Buono Festival of Music is an eight-day symposium and conference that offers classical musicians studying Piano, Voice, Strings and Flute the opportunity to hone repertoire, refine technique, and enhance their marketing and professional career skills through lessons and master classes, as well as performance and business seminars. Structured as a musical laboratory where musicians work with distinguished professors and established artists, the Festival promotes artistic and professional growth that facilitates career advancement.

The twenty-third annual session of the Festival will take place from July 10-17, 2011. Concerts featuring Festival participants are planned for Friday July 15 and Saturday July 16...

P/s. Please click the title and see the details.
